Two educational talks by guest speakers will be presented live and streamed via Zoom, followed by an opportunity for everyone to swap seeds and take some home.
We will have: vegetables, flowers, grains, and more. What seeds will you bring? (Please bring marked envelopes or containers to share if possible.)
ROBIN KELSON, Good Seed Company, Whitefish, MT will share detailed insights on seed-saving, continuing her presentation from our January 30 Seed Saving-Part I online event.
PATTI ARMBRISTER, Agrarian Food Web & WiseGrowerGuru.com, Hinsdale, MT will present “Growing plants to reduce (unfriending) pests and inviting the beneficial insects.”
SCHEDULE: Speakers, 10am-12noon, followed by the SEED SWAP, 12noon-12:30pm.
WHERE: Cafeteria at the Fairgrounds, located next to the Livingston Golf & Country Club, 46 View Vista Dr, Livingston, MT 59047
MORE INFO: Please note that we will follow social distancing guidelines, and admittance may be limited. Speakers will be live (subject to change) and on Zoom (login credentials provided upon registration). Please contact us at www.paradisepermaculture.org with any questions.